Wednesday, June 28, 2017

These Boarded Up Walls

I want so badly to make sense of this hurricane within me.
To keep up with the wind, or feel as deeply as the rain does falling toward the pavement.
I have boarded up my windows in preparation for something powerful to consume me, unsuccessfully, of course.
But in this process, all else within, cannot escape properly, or enter back in.
I see through the cracks, golden skies, green grass.
Safety, love.
And here I stay.
Locked behind the only thing I have control over.
These boarded up walls.
This way no one will ever have to experience these crashing waves,
dangerous, risky, wild.
I protect myself and them... whoever they are.
But every so often, I catch a ray of that golden light through the crack in my boarded up windows and I can't help but wonder
what it would feel like to be held by your sun.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

The Tears Have Hit

I actually surprised myself on how long I held my tears in over the last two weeks.

Bodies everywhere.

The past two weeks I have been blessed with the opportunity to sit with a good chunk of our families and catch up, introduce myself, and just take a front row seat to what it looks like beyond the threshold... in every sense of the way.

It didn't hit me till after I left a small apartment off Codell where a half dozen little girls all grabbed my hands and legs and ushered me to their "playground," which is actually just a spot out front before the street and the dirt meet and there was a soccer ball just waiting for us.

It didn't hit me till I sat in a Nepali home that smelled like curry and vegetables and was offered orange Fanta in a tea cup out of the china cabinet. And the most intelligent young lady told me that her life was for the better now that she knows us, but she still wishes she understood English more.

It didn't hit me till I had a young man say he was over the struggles life keeps handing him. Not having dad around sucks. Having a sucky dad right in reach isn't any better. He might as well take to the streets since that's all there is. Fathers Day isn't fun for everyone, and the streets have no mercy.

It didn't hit me till I was watching video footage of a baby girl crying and hugging her mom because she just saw her dad shot and killed and questioning if her mom was next. Knowing there was no victory to be found here. Only hurt, loss, death, injustice, and sin.

It really didn't hit me till I looked myself in the mirror and realized I had more hate, anger, exhaustion, and an unforgiving spirit, in my heart than love these days. 

Pray for me,
The tears have hit.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017


This season is 3 parts
1 part closing of an old season
1 part new season
1 part colliding of the first 2

Parts of it don't fit right
Like an old pair of your favorite shorts you pulled out of the closet in your parents house
Doesn't mean you love them less or they changed
You did
And that's okay
At least I'm trying to tell myself it is

Parts of it make me feel more alive than I ever have
Like a gust of wind just swooshed underneath dusty sails for the first time in years
Like no smile could be large enough

The ebbs and flows have parts of familiarity and foreignness simultaneously
I can tell you this though
When a boy I've known a lot of years asked how long I was going to be here & I said 
"I'm home now, that's all I know" 
I meant it

Not as if other places haven't been home
They have been some of the best homes I've ever known, and I miss them dearly
I love cities, the stories they tell, the adventures they hold
But they aren't home without my people
And right now
I'm home

Sorting out the parts that make sense to me
and the parts that still feel a little rusty

The part that will always make most sense

Our boys
This neighborhood
For such a time as this

Monday, June 5, 2017

Civil Rights & Late Nights

This is my attempt to tell the world... or my 7 followers on here, about how listening to God is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, but also the greatest thing, every single time.

When my plan, my comfort-ability, my fears, are all silenced by the One who knows best.

I was excited, I was anxious... I was taking deep breaths to see how this would make or break me. I really wanted to dare God to prove He was right in this... but I know better than to do that these days. 

Side note: If you didn't already know I am THAT parent who shows pictures of her kids at all the get together's and tells endless stories she thinks are hilarious that no one else understands out of context but keeps telling them anyway. Only thing is, I'm not even a parent so....

On Friday night it was when the "original" four requested I come into their hotel room and just chill. Their cracks at each other, their reminiscing of when they were younger, and their pure giggles gave me peace. 

On Saturday night I sat in Granny & Granddaddy's living room surrounded by kids I love so dearly, friends & family that have poured into me over the years. Stories were shared about how cruel white people had been to my own adopted family in Tennessee. The kids went from goofy to quiet real quick when Granddaddy told a story about when their Mr. Marcus had a cross burning in his front yard in a neighborhood not far from where I went to college in South Knoxville. 

It hit us all in different ways. 

We were coming off of 3 days in Alabama and Georgia for a Civil Rights Tour. Some may call us crazy for loading up a van full of teenagers and taking them to places like the Equal Justice Initiative, 16th Street Baptist Church, The Center for Civil and Human Rights, Edmund Pettus Bridge, and other major memorials or museums. We ventured through Nashville, Montgomery, Selma, Birmingham, Atlanta, and Knoxville. This is what we do. We love these kids just enough, and are just crazy enough to not only want them to grow to be leaders in their communities, but actually make moves for them to grow and stretch and experience life beyond their street corner, so they can do just that.

We went through a lunch counter simulation that is hard to explain if you haven't done it yourself or if you are unaware of what that experience was like for so many. Moments later I found myself watching a film on the Freedom Riders surrounded by my black and brown boys. I watched them wince and shake their heads at how people were treated and how they knew me, their very white Ms. Chloe, even being in that room with them was a big deal. 

The tears just started to flow. 
The history is heavy yes, but the present...? 
I find myself holding my breath and praying constantly that more hashtags, more bodies, more crying mothers would not find their way to my phone, desk, or heart anymore.
I want the present to matter and influence and change how their future will look. 
That is my why I guess.
And that is how I can be confident I am exactly where I need to be in this space of time.
Because it could be anywhere, just as long as it is somewhere, and it is bringing purpose and passion and prayer to the forefront. 
They hugged me and I just remember telling them over and over how I loved them.
"We know. We love you too." 

Our last night we slept in a building I know very well. It was filled with kids, just not the kids I was used to being there. And somehow, amidst the slowness I felt, a little off center, J's request to tuck them all in sealed the deal on what I already knew... what He has always known. 

There is a place on my instagram that says, "I love people, cities, and trap beats." I hope people can tell from how I live my life that loving God is a given... I also hope that they can see this choice was hard, but each an every breath I take in this new chapter gets a little easier. 

Here's to the continued fight for Civil Rights & late nights with the kids that feel like family.