Thursday, August 15, 2024

An Open Letter to our OG

An Open Letter to our OG

We often forget to give the greats their flowers while they are here.

Whether it be because of their humility in not accepting the accolades,

or maybe more because we think our heroes never die.

We spend our time working hard to emulate them, in thought, word, and deed,

but somehow expressing love in the moment doesn’t come as easy.

Especially someone as tough as you.

It’s not until they are gone do we truly realize just how much

influence and impact they had on us. 

We lost an OG this weekend. And he didn’t want anyone to know.

Just in his true fashion, he suffered in silence.

And I sure as hell know he is ripping and running with God in Heaven

in a healthy working body.

The pain and suffering for him is no more. All the while,

he worked so hard to comfort those in pain

while he was here. That’s how it goes though, isn't it?

The strongest of us never show our cards the whole way.

Not to be dishonest, but to be “brave”.

We adopted that from him, for better or worse.

We hold our hand close to the chest to ensure folks don’t see the cracks

while we simultaneously hold them up

in love and accountability. 

For the longest time I have said we wouldn’t be where we are today without him.

I certainly wouldn’t.

The way I move throughout schools, throughout the city, is because of him.

Flaws and all, that man cared deeply about young people and made sure to remind folks

that you didn't need to have formal education, training or

letters to your name to be successful.

You needed rapport. You needed the community's co-sign, and man did he have it. 

It’s easy to think about people's shortcomings while they are here,

but I’d challenge that thought and say,

we really want to celebrate and honor folks while they are here.

On the good days and the bad.

Because we truly do not know our last days.

And suffering alone feels less than heroic. 

May we remember Aaron not just as he was on his worst days or his best days.

But may we remember and honor his legacy woven in us,

throughout this city in a way that replicates the mission but breaks free from

individual demons.

A legacy that doesn’t take ourselves so seriously but is very serious about

sharing the gospel and eradicating darkness in our city.

A legacy that literally saved people's lives by stepping in the gap and crossfire daily.

I have so many folks to thank for bringing me up in this life…

but you instilled a skin of armor so thick around my body.

You are the loud voice in my end that breaks through my darkest nightmares telling me

the light is still here. And you saw something in a little white girl from around the way…

that earned your blessing when so many others didn’t get it.

And I will never take that for granted. 

You are a cherished hero whose name is in the Holy book my friend. You are free.