"....If I'm honest, I'm tired, hungry, I'm frustrated, all of the above..." Tedashii.
Actions. Not words.
"Can you do something for God without complaining please?" I find myself saying this about alot of people. Someone always "Had to cancel their whole morning just to help set an event up." or "They really don't have any manors do they?" Words. All I hear are these words that annoy me. Do they glorify Him? Can you hear yourself right now? Go home and check mark your good deed for the day right? Makes me so mad.
Am I any better? Who am I to think these things?
Because as far as I go, I say I work for Him. I say I service Him. My complaints are about His people making an effort to help! Wait a minute. I am judging Gods people because they were only human, a little weaker than hoped for the job. Or that their missing a child's soccer game... Words. Maybe instead of wanting them to shut up, I should be the one to shut up.
It is about the actions we do, not the words we speak.
Any one could say they love to serve the Lord, and would do anything for Him... even if it means to shut up for a few hours!
But until you actually See that from them.. it isn't anything. Actions. All this time I've had my own opinion, or say on things. Which is fine, but when I start talking more than I am doing. It is not how I should be conducting myself.
So now these words are history. I'm starting a movement for myself where what I do for God is so much cooler than just what I could say. Its hard. Yes. But did God ever say living for Him was easy? Think about it.
And once you or I begin to live a life of action, your words can start a beautiful thing. Encouage others in what they are doing! Dont start slacking again and rely on your words. Do and Say. I am ready to live by action. Are you?
Actions. Not words.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
Dear last day of summer...
Heres to being tan, sleeping in, always having a little hand to hold, pools, extremely late night phone calls, roasting marsh mellows, watching a ton of movies, practically forgetting how to use my brain in any academic manner whatsoever, camps, laughing my butt off, crying because you had to say goodbye, trips to D.C. and the O.C. tagging a church, mosquito bites that never end, UK Pro game, new friends, and old friends, worship I'll never forget, rap party at Icthuhs, piggy back rides, paddle boat leg cramps, tucking little ones into bed, one love... yahfreak, looking up at the stars, photography with a whole new perspective, way to much orange leaf, back to school rally, baseball games, and sweet smiles.
These are just a few of the memories I have from summer 2011!!! And tonight it comes a wonderful, but of course to soon, close. Only to open a new chapter in my life, its called.... UPPERCLASSMEN! ;D
The excitement I have for this year is almost equal to the nerves! But no matter how nervous I start to get, i stop myself and repeat one of my favorite verses in the Bible Jeremiah 29:11. "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Once I remember this, I am OK, because God knows what this year looks like for me. So no matter how worried I may get about how hard school may be. i need to trust God in that I CAN do anything I set my mind to with His help!
I still have a million and one things to share about my summer, which I'm sure I will do all year;) But I just wanted to start the school year off thanking God for what a wonderfull summer He blessed me with. All the people I was surrounded by, and the things I was able to take part in.
Goodbye Summer I loved you!
These are just a few of the memories I have from summer 2011!!! And tonight it comes a wonderful, but of course to soon, close. Only to open a new chapter in my life, its called.... UPPERCLASSMEN! ;D
The excitement I have for this year is almost equal to the nerves! But no matter how nervous I start to get, i stop myself and repeat one of my favorite verses in the Bible Jeremiah 29:11. "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Once I remember this, I am OK, because God knows what this year looks like for me. So no matter how worried I may get about how hard school may be. i need to trust God in that I CAN do anything I set my mind to with His help!
I still have a million and one things to share about my summer, which I'm sure I will do all year;) But I just wanted to start the school year off thanking God for what a wonderfull summer He blessed me with. All the people I was surrounded by, and the things I was able to take part in.
Goodbye Summer I loved you!
Monday, August 8, 2011
Camp Can I go.. again and again?!
Alijah may have gotten in trouble all of the time, but when you took the time to listen, it was a beautiful thing.
Oh yeah and we went to Ichthus with some of my favorite people. Met Trip Lee. 'Started a Riot' with Tedashii, and sooo much more. I love them. Did I mention Lecrae was there? <3
Breakfast with Malipo and Benjamin every morning was such a great way to start the day. Lunch is a whole other story.. not many pictures from then haha!
"Lord you are good and your mercy endureth forever." You have never experienced real praise and worship until 100 little voices are singing around you with such love and purity.
"White people hair is so tangly! You got any hair gel or somethin'? Ughh I will just have to spit in it.. thats what my mom does." Trinity trying to do my hair. hahah it is these moments I never forget :D
One of my favorite pictures from the whole camp<3
"Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity." 1 Timothy 4:12.
Once again like I said before I could go on and on about my experiences with these fantastic children of God, and the wonderful leaders I got to share my love with. But I think its good to find out for yourself how much fun it can be.. so get out there and play, love, laugh, teach and be taught. Sing and dance for the Lord. Whatever it is; like I tell my kids, dont let anyone tell you, you cant.
Camp Can I Go
"You wanna hang with some kids tomorrow?"
Such a simple conversation, but what happened after that was one of the greatest things in my life.
"Mrster. Brayden" as he would write was the baby of the group. Always needed to be carried, had the giggle of an angel. And had a word of the day whether it be "Pink.Pink.Pink.Pink" or "Tall!Tall!Tall!" However, he did have an almost schedualed melt down a few times a day. It took awhile to get him under control, but between Charles, Olivia, and Myself we found out why he did this and how to help him get calmed down. Being such the 'baby' he was all the older kids wanted to hold his hand or carry him around, which of course he loved. He became quite the popular one at Can I Go.
David was the shy quite one, and when he did speak I couldn't understand a word he said! But he was so polite, and loved to help. He told Olivia stories all the time when he did come. Such a sweetie. He also liked to read he told me:)
"You wanna hang with some kids tomorrow?"
Such a simple conversation, but what happened after that was one of the greatest things in my life.
Upon arriving to Broadway Christian Church downtown me and my sister Olivia sat at a table with some boys while they had breakfast. Learned their names (Benjamin and Malipo, brothers who were very nervous about kindergarten). We did this with a few different tables before it was time for large group. Still having no idea what we were going to do, we just sat with some old and new faces and waited.
Kayla and Marcus called group after group, all the leaders and familiar faces were going to small groups. To be honest I was nervous. "Chloe and Olivia" she called. We walked up and they handed us name tags and a few papers. Purple 1-2 would be our group. 1st and 2nd graders. I will never forget our diverse, beautiful, amazing group. Joshua, Brayden, Elijah, Jeremiah, JJ, David, and Rene. Since it was the first day for us it was pretty crazy, so instead of freaking out over if we had all the supplies and when we go where we just... played:D and took a TON of pictures! Before I knew it they stole my heart and ran with it.
Josh and I were inseperable<3 He was the oldest and the leader of the group. So grown up for his age, having to be the adult alot of times...I told him I loved him 100 times a day hugging and gave him a kiss on the head when he would let me, but he never said it back. I didn't expect him too, but on the last day I said "I love you brother." And in the sweetest voice "I love you too Miss Chloe." I had to go to the bathroom and cry a little.
"Mrster. Brayden" as he would write was the baby of the group. Always needed to be carried, had the giggle of an angel. And had a word of the day whether it be "Pink.Pink.Pink.Pink" or "Tall!Tall!Tall!" However, he did have an almost schedualed melt down a few times a day. It took awhile to get him under control, but between Charles, Olivia, and Myself we found out why he did this and how to help him get calmed down. Being such the 'baby' he was all the older kids wanted to hold his hand or carry him around, which of course he loved. He became quite the popular one at Can I Go.
JJ. Ohh JJ! She was the dramatic one, and our only girl for that matter..! She was just as, maybe even tougher than the boys in Purple 1-2. She cracked us up, and liked to test our patience alot of times. She took to Brayden like he was her little brother. I found her crying in a corner one day and I was asking her what happend. After getting a tissue and just taking a breather she finally told me her boyfriend broke up with her last night?! Yeah... she a new one by the next day apparently. Thats my JJ!
"Hello my name is Rene!" was the greeting we got from this loopy little kid. His favorite colors were purple and pink. And he made sure you knew it, along with sparkles. He asked Olivia every day 'Can I be in your group?" and she would just laugh and say "Rene you ARE in my group!" He was in love with Charles aka Charlie. Asked to go to the water fountian like it was going to run out or something! I love him and is out of the box ways. And to think we thought YOU would be the quiet one... not.
David was the shy quite one, and when he did speak I couldn't understand a word he said! But he was so polite, and loved to help. He told Olivia stories all the time when he did come. Such a sweetie. He also liked to read he told me:)
Jeremiah was straight up a country boy. Played baseball, was covered in poison ivy the whole week and was such a worrier. Raising his hand every second with a story that no relavance to the subject. And was just an absolute gentelman already.
Last but not least Elijah. "Anger problems" is what we were told but some laides when you acted out. But really you were just lonely and sad. I saw you in your worst of days, and your better ones. I know how nice and caring you can be, but so many people have already looked down on you, and thats why you are that way. So I challenged you to be the nicest version of yourself one day becasue we KNEW you were a great kid. Thats all it took. And I am so proud of him.
Those kids taught me so many things in 4 short days. But in those days I bonded with not only those 7, but tons more, and I could go on and on about differnt things they did that just make me smile even still to this day. And what if I would have been selfish the day Marcus asked if I wanted to hang out with kids? What if I said no I'm going to the pool, or wow I have to be at your house at 7? Mmm.. not so much. I would have missed out on THE greatest experience ever.
...to be contiued.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
"Live, Laugh, Love"
You know that saying "Live, Laugh, Love." Thousands of people have around their homes, post it on their face book, or that you wipe your dirty shoes on it as a welcome mat? I took that to heart this summer.
I lived among people with different lives as my own, and truly excepted myself as Gods masterpiece because of My Savior, and those wonderful people who went out of their way to tell me how special I am to to them. To Him.
Laugh? Do I even need to explain how much laughter I was surrounded by? Sweet music of kids being tickled, or doing a silly dance move, telling stories with new friends. So much joy. Yes, I definitely laughed this summer.
And the last one in that oh so famous quote is Love. Such a powerful thing. A special thing. And this is why I decided to make this blog. To express, relive, and hopefully touch some with the Love I have experienced by "my kids" and Jesus Christ. Cause I am not about to keep all these stories to myself!
I read a quote the other day that I love and I feel like this is a great time to share it with this new time in my life, "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than the things you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch some trade winds in your sails! Explore. Dream. Discover." Mark Twain.
I hope you enjoy this little adventure I am on as much as I do:)
I lived among people with different lives as my own, and truly excepted myself as Gods masterpiece because of My Savior, and those wonderful people who went out of their way to tell me how special I am to to them. To Him.
Laugh? Do I even need to explain how much laughter I was surrounded by? Sweet music of kids being tickled, or doing a silly dance move, telling stories with new friends. So much joy. Yes, I definitely laughed this summer.
And the last one in that oh so famous quote is Love. Such a powerful thing. A special thing. And this is why I decided to make this blog. To express, relive, and hopefully touch some with the Love I have experienced by "my kids" and Jesus Christ. Cause I am not about to keep all these stories to myself!
I read a quote the other day that I love and I feel like this is a great time to share it with this new time in my life, "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than the things you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch some trade winds in your sails! Explore. Dream. Discover." Mark Twain.
I hope you enjoy this little adventure I am on as much as I do:)
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