Heres to being tan, sleeping in, always having a little hand to hold, pools, extremely late night phone calls, roasting marsh mellows, watching a ton of movies, practically forgetting how to use my brain in any academic manner whatsoever, camps, laughing my butt off, crying because you had to say goodbye, trips to D.C. and the O.C. tagging a church, mosquito bites that never end, UK Pro game, new friends, and old friends, worship I'll never forget, rap party at Icthuhs, piggy back rides, paddle boat leg cramps, tucking little ones into bed, one love... yahfreak, looking up at the stars, photography with a whole new perspective, way to much orange leaf, back to school rally, baseball games, and sweet smiles.
These are just a few of the memories I have from summer 2011!!! And tonight it comes a wonderful, but of course to soon, close. Only to open a new chapter in my life, its called.... UPPERCLASSMEN! ;D
The excitement I have for this year is almost equal to the nerves! But no matter how nervous I start to get, i stop myself and repeat one of my favorite verses in the Bible Jeremiah 29:11. "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Once I remember this, I am OK, because God knows what this year looks like for me. So no matter how worried I may get about how hard school may be. i need to trust God in that I CAN do anything I set my mind to with His help!
I still have a million and one things to share about my summer, which I'm sure I will do all year;) But I just wanted to start the school year off thanking God for what a wonderfull summer He blessed me with. All the people I was surrounded by, and the things I was able to take part in.
Goodbye Summer I loved you!
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