Thursday, December 15, 2016

Less Coffee: Honest Thoughts

It's day 3 without coffee.
I wish that number sounded as significant as it felt. 
My head stopped throbbing around 4am this morning. 
I have a lot of peppermint oil & Tylenol to thank for that. 
Funny how we fill the absence of one thing with another...
People have asked me why I randomly decided to separate myself from something 
I love so much.
Something that does not define me.
Something that I am not addicted to, or in need of at least twice a day.
And something I am most definitely not a snob over. 
I can't really see the problem there myself either to be honest. 
Guess that's why I just ordered a cappuccino in The Old City on accident.


I woke up before the sun this morning.
Got dressed. Ate breakfast. Started the dish washer and wiped down the counters.
I haven't been the best housemate recently.
I want to do better.
Somehow I make a part time position very, very full time.
And then there is school...
Yeah. School.
Less than 5 months away from the end.
I don't handle change very gracefully. If you know me at all, you know this to be true.
I am both excited and terrified all at the same time.
Currently have an essay and a half left to finish and turn in for this semester.
So here I am.
Writing to you.
Again... being finished sounds great.
But change.


I went to the Police station this morning so I could get on my knees and beg the judge to reduce a ticket I got at the end of last month, on my way to school.
Gathered all the peaceful vibes I could.
Bundled myself up head to toe cause the high is 30 today and my summertime joy has magically faded away with my tan skin.
I knew I would be surrounded by guns. Surrounded by uniforms. Surrounded by people I want so badly to love... but somehow still feel as though they are the enemy that hurt my people.
Part of me just wanted to tell the cranky officer behind the security desk that I wish I could hug him.
Is that weird?
Maybe. Whatever.
I just know he needed one, and I needed to be the one to offer.
But I didn't. He was just a little too cranky. And I was still nervous.
Turns out my day to beg the judge isn't until 9am TOMORROW.
It's fine.


I also need to admit that ordering a cappuccino wasn't an accident.
Now you see why.

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