That's about to change.
And no I don't mean I'm chopping my hair off, buying a motorcycle , or moving to Australia. Although I plan to do this at some point:) I am just saying that as I get older I tend to get into habits, and my explorer self seems to hide away sometimes. I see what needs to get done and do it. Point to point. And since New Years resolutions bug the heck out of me... I decided to kick these lists of 'goals' or 'new things' on m 17th birthday. Which is just a day away.
Maybe you will do the same? Join me in the unexpected, the silly, the planned and unplanned events to help you experience the world and find things out about yourself you would have never known one step at a time.
To make you stronger. To make me stronger
I am done waiting until I get 'Older' to do things that bring happiness to myself, and to others. So today I have decided that God gives opportunities to us for a reason, we just have to be there when He is ready to give them to us, and we need to be ready when He does. So whether you just really need to pick up and go hike a mountain, or just hug someone who really needs it, but least expects it. No excuses allowed it's time. Time that bucket list got made, and crossed out!
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