Saturday, November 5, 2011


     I figure if we get a whole extra hour to 'sleep' I might as well try my hand at writing again.

I've been exposed to a lot lately. It's called the world. And believe it or not I don't like what I see.
Actually, I hate it. All I want to do is grab the world and shake it until it gets the memo of what the heck it's missing. Dad's that are never there. People killing themselves over judgement someone has no right of baring them with, kids who know the word CAN'T way to well, money being the center of their world, families being broken from abuse. I could go on and on but the point is we are broken.

I know I am not the only one seeing all of this pain, hurt, and loneliness going on in our own neighborhoods. Yeah. This isn't the 'hoods' problems only. This isn't the 'gays' problem. This is the WORLD'S problem. And I'm done sitting back and watching it all go down with the title I carry. Christian.

That title. That name wasn't given to me so I myself would be saved. "Hey I am a Christian and I am good to go..." No. Being a Christian means you signed up to be Gods image, kinda like a little mini Him. To do HIS work. Bring people to Him by LOVING them. ACCEPTING them. HELPING them. Treating them LIKE you would yourself. "What are you going to do about it?" I was asked not to long ago. And I said I wasn't sure. Now I know. I want to be the hands and feet of Jesus EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. Even the days He gives us an 'extra' hour!

I have also seen the love, the joy, the happiness, and smiles. The outcome of doing the right thing. Most of the time its hard, and stretches your body and soul in ways you didn't think you could be stretched. The thing is that you did it. I have realized that taking a chance in messing up by doing something, instead of just sitting back and watching this world crumble is a heck of a lot better. I alone cannot cure this place of what sin has done to it. But every time I 'sprinkle by light' around people will see, feel, and want it.

With all I have seen, learned, and hurt for people. it is my time. My time to say yes to what my title is.

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