I think it's kind of ironic that my kids binders all broke at the same time... it was bound to happen any moment.
Just like those binders full of old wrinkled up tests, permission slips lost in the chaos, 100% spelling tests, and the ripped up F's no one wants to remember getting shoved with new work and taking the beatings from dirty floors, tears, and being thrown around for over half a school year... ready to explode or break at the next math sheet jammed into it. I think we are the same way.
So much crap and drama is building up in us, the stress from finals, work, people you just CAN NOT STAND, emotional break downs from taking on the job as a comforter to everyone else and your not allowed to break. And the good moments somehow get mixed up in all the craziness you cannot appreciate them as much as you should because there is to much other junk to worry about etc. It is assumed you can keep taking in more and more... until one day. you explode. just like those binders.
I have to laugh at myself for not seeing this before now. I am just like one of the binders. Only though for me.. I'm not a 5" or even 3". I am a measly 1" binder who has literally been filled 3x more than I should be. And if you 'opened' me you would cry.. Lord knows I have. It's time to clean out the binders people. Your soul is dying amongst all the clutter you are chocking it with. And you cant do what you are made for when you don't know how to take care of yourself, your spirit.
Three binders later, I am here looking at my own 'binder' and I am aware of what needs to go where, which things need to be removed and kept, forgotten and remembered. And all that stuff that needs to be put in a 'folder' under "God" yeah.. get on that. You do not need to fall apart anymore. Put away the duct tape and forget about the rubber band.. it wont work anyway.. trust me Zoe tried!
New binder. New start. Get it.
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