Sunday, September 16, 2012

Academy #ittakesavillage

A lot has happened in the past months since I've written last. An entire summer filled with some of the greatest memories I will ever have. Camp after camp, new and old friendships ignited with a fire from God. I am not writing about this summer though. If I wanted you to know my entire summer you would.

Ask me about the 4am conversations that I had with some of the most God loving people I know. Or how about the nights around camp fires with my kids just laughing. Even better? People being saved by God's grace! The singing, dancing, and cheering. This summer was filled with lessons, taught and given. I have been blessed by an amazing God, and I wouldn't change a thing that's happened. If you really want to know more about my summer just ask... I will be more than willing to spend time on the greatest time of my life! But it's back to school time now! And with it comes even more adventure!

Tomorrow marks my second year with academy. This is a milestone I won't let myself forget. A year ago the only thing I knew was I would be seeing some of my kids from camp, and helping with homework. Ha. Little did I know my life would be changed forever. I have been pushed and pushed by kids half my size to be a better person, to see from a different perspective. They have lived through things no one their age should ever have to. But they did. And they keep going. They are my biggest inspiration, motivation, and encouragement to know that I CAN do it. We have wiped each others tears, laughed till we fell over, and broken more than one pencil...

People tell me it can't work. That these kids are not my siblings, that I just help them get one homework assignment turned in out of the week, I won't make a lasting impact. I have learned to stop fighting with these people. Instead i pray for them. That they will be changed, and see that God is helping me. My end goal is not to get every assignment in (although that is wonderful) or have them remember my name when their old and gray. It is that they know they are love by someone bigger than themselves, that they CAN do it. And I want them to be leaders. My name means nothing in the end. But the impact I have on them does. Love God. Love others. that's it.

I went to Woodhill twice this week because I was so excited about Monday. Getting out of my car, and getting pushed down by all the hugs is one of my favorite things. A lot of people my age would say getting a text from their crush or chilling on the beach are their favorite things. And I think those are on my list somewhere too... but those hugs.. they are my favorite. Talking to the Momma's. And waving to the neighbors who are starting to recognize me. These things mean something. I'm not sure what.. but I think it is something good.

Tomorrow they will get off the vans, give me a hug (forced or not!) and sit down once again to hear the Love God Love Others verse, and our year will begin. I have no idea what to expect now that some of my kids are in middle school, and I will have new second graders coming in. A few have matured a lot over the summer, others are going to be quite a challenge. Lucky for me, I have learned a lot, and am ready for more. One piece of advice that will be in use a lot this year, "Say it with ya chest." Things will be different for sure, but what's for sure is that I could always be a little louder!

Here's to the 2012-2013 school year and all it's lessons. Oh, and put your L's up!

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