Wednesday, August 15, 2018

This Time Last Year

This time last year... there were only studs up in our new home on Codell and the frustration continued as we felt set back after set back pie in front of us.

This time last year... there was a gravel pit where our gym should've been.

This time last year... he turned 40 in the parking lot, and we celebrated.

This time last year... it was my first school year on staff at LLF and instagram will remind you of the anxiety and breakdowns that happened leading up to all those meetings, introductions, and pitching what my blank canvas could become.

This time last year... we had no idea who any of the family we've rolled with, everyday for the last 3 months, were.

This time last year... living in Woodhill was just a childhood dream.

This time last year... there wasn't a teenage boy in their home.

This time last year... we were doing a lot of the same things we are doing now, just all over the city. Loving, listening, basketball, van rides, goal setting, discipline, praying, laughing, academy, making connections, etc.

This time last year... we had a plan, then another one, then another one... and we almost lost our minds when all of them were crushed before they could even develop.

I not usually the girl that thinks on the past often unless someone reminds me of it, or it's a really good story to share. But this past year is one I can't really forget easily.

Fresh out of college, brand new building, countless new faces that have become familiar.

Some days I wonder where the time went.

Day like today, especially.

I am thankful for how hard this year was.
How beautiful it was.
How it set us up for more hard years and even more beauty throughout.

It makes me think where we will be a year from now...
But for right now, it's time to take a deep breath, enjoy the still and quiet for a few hours, before they all get off the bus!

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